Being in Space is a weekly post with a practice, brief, or prompt.


A prompt is a question that is impossible to collaborate on. It points inward, asks for language, and leads to self-knowledge.

For example: what bores you?

Different people would have other answers, and we can’t collaborate on what bores each person, only to ask why (and engage through meaning).

Briefs always lead to collaboration (with another person or knowledge). It is anchored in gravity (situation) and points to convergence.

For example, what is the secret of a work-life balance?

Experts will approach this from different angles, but the conversation must lead to a meeting on everyone’s direct opinion.

Practice is a habit of listening to develop ideas.

For example, for the next ten meetings, keep a log of your energy level before and after each meeting. Track your learning and development of language through the Process.

Nitzan is a coach and writer.

↪ In Process

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Weekly Prompt


Coach, Writer